Couples Packages
Reduce daily frustration, increase mutual compassion
Regardless of how long you’ve been together, understanding and appreciating one another’s natural talents can deepen your relationship.
All packages include codes for each person to complete the assessment and receive their complete ranking of 34 strengths (a $49.99 value, per person), and at least one encouragement session to unpack those results.
These sessions also make fabulous holiday, wedding, and anniversary gifts!
COVID has been hard. We live together and now work together, which means we’re together all the time. Yes, we love each other, but it’s been hard. Learning about our natural strengths has helped us function better as a team, which makes living and working together so much nicer!”

Discovering, applying, and investing in your natural talents not only demonstrates your uniqueness, it also helps put your relationships into context.
This knowledge has the power to reduce friction, improve communication, and expand your perception of each other.